Friday, June 8, 2012

Put some gears on it: Steampunk Hunter

Rolf (Undead Hunter)  Ghostlands-US

Make sure you click to see that picture in all its glory- Rolf here is my forsaken hunter, and is yet another outfit inspired by Drunkard's Regalia.  Rolf also has a story.  You see, he used to be a blood elf.  Unfortunately for him, when the Cataclysm occurred, he wasn't able to outrun Deathwing's fire, and died unceremoniously.  Thankfully, Lady Sylvanas has been raising even more forsaken, so he got a second chance.  In terms of transmogrification, I don't find undead to be terribly inspiring- for me, it's a challenge to find something that looks good on someone who is quite literally skin and bone.  Lucky for me, I stumbled upon this post at Drunkard's Regalia, which gave me a really good starting point.

There he is with his staff.  I can't wait until Mists of Pandaria so that it'll just be the gun, but in the meantime this staff works pretty well:  Jailer's Baton (from Violet Hold).  If only I could turn off the enchant.

One last thing that's worth noting before I give you the breakdown of his gear is that this is not the complete look.  Eventually, he will also have  a pair of goggles.  Since he is not an engineer, I will be using the Steamworker's Goggles from Ulduar 25, which have eluded me week after week.  So far, anyway.  Here's the gear breakdown:

Head (Not Pictured):  Steamworker's Goggles
Chest:  Fortified Chain
Cloak:  Mighty Cloak
Gun:  Mimiron's Repeater  (May switch for Rifle of the Platinum Guard if it ever drops)
Staff:  Jailer's Baton
Shirt:  Brown Linen Shirt  (it should be noted that I find this absolutely necessary to have, as the Fortified Chain is a bit skimpy on men and women alike)

Like a lot of moggers, I use MogIt as my go-to add-on for crafting outfits and such.  One of the nifty features that the add-on has is the ability to not only save your outfits, but to be able to view the outfits on any other character you happen to be logged in on.  As a result I've found that I'm tempted to 'mog this particular getup onto nearly every one of my mail-wearing characters, because I think it looks fabulous on just about every race.  Later on, I'll feature a very similar getup donned by my fiance's orc shaman.  It really is a great look. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Not so "Holy" Paladin

Cornelladin  Ghostlands/Horde-US

I still haven't quite perfected the weapon, and I plan on picking up a different pair of shoulders, but I've at least got my healing set a presentable mog, finally.  I haven't posted her tanking set, but I promise I will in the next few days- this has me entirely too excited.  Just.. look at that amazing brightness.  Isn't it LURRRVELY?

Not convinced?

Yes.  I used the Red Dragoncsale Protector, which is not used nearly enough in my opinion, though I do still see it occasionally.  If dragons really aren't your thing, though, you could also use the Dawnforged Defender, which I noticed the other day looks like a pretty butterfly when worn on the back.  As per usual, here's the breakdown:

Head:  Reinforced Bio-Optic Killshades
Shoulder:  Replica Lightforge Spaulders  (Will become Avenger's Pauldrons when I can be bothered to do AQ enough to get them.  Also worth noting that this is one of the few situations where tier 2.5 is acceptable to wear)
Chest:  Hyperion Armor
Waist:  Hyperion Girdle
Hand:  Flameguard Gauntlets
Legs:  Legplates of Blazing Light
Boots:  Magma Tempered Boots
Shield:  Red Dragoncsale Protector
Weapon:  I haven't decided on a weapon yet, the one I'm using in the set now is a placeholder from BWL, but the ones I'm planning on are as follows: 
Mace: Lok'amir il Romathis
Sword:  Blade of Wizardry
Axe:  Eye of Purification

The inspiration for this outfit was not entirely my own, as I used a mog over at Drunkard's Regalia as a jumping point;  I may yet switch out the gloves for Replica Lighforge Gauntlets as well, because they have a bit more of the pink in them than the legplates and boots really show, and the Hyperion Armor really pulls the whole set more in the red direction.  Still, I'm happy with the way it looks even with it not being quite *perfect*  I know that not all of you like the bright colors- but I definitely do!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

There once was a Warlock... who wore gold?

Perditaxnitt, Sentinels-US
I put this outfit together in record time. I got pretty lucky with my belt drop, and the staff was something I just randomly picked up while I was in a Sunwell run. I love it. Before I get into too much more detail, here's the breakdown:

Chest: Chan's Imperial Robes (see the note in the explanation about availability of this piece)
Head: Circle of Flame
Shoulders: Gossamer Shoulderpads (still debating whether to stick with these, or pick up the also matching Silksand Shoulder Pads when I see them on the AH)
Belt: Sash of Mortal Desire
Shoes: Kurkenstoks (Oh, how I wish there were a horde-available moggable version of these)
Gloves: Gossamer Gloves
Bracer: Laughing Skull Bracelets
Pants: Doesn't matter because they won't show! YAY! After the nightmare finding something to put under the leia robes, this was a relief!
Staff: Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei

At first glance, it's actually a pretty easy set to get. Until you browse through the comments section of Chan's Imperial Robes, which are incidentally one of my all-time favorite robes in the game, and find that they seem to have disappeared off the loot tables. I regularly check the AH for these and I've not seen a set in ages, but I did have a few sets stashed away so I was quite fortunate to be able to put this together. The robes ARE BoE so if you are lucky enough to find a set, snatch them up post-haste. Even if you never use them, you may be able to sell them to other transmogrification junkies for a VERY high price due to the fact that they are evidently no longer dropping.

And if you're hoping to see the robes drop again, don't be afraid to Let Blizzard Know! This is one case where I think it's a damned shame if these robes are gone for good, because they're absolutely gorgeous.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

One little Gnome

I have to tell you that as much as I adore Blood Elves and Goblins and Dwarves... if Gnomes could be every class, I might not play anything else. Right now I only have 2 gnomes that I consistently play- Temperence (my prot/fury warrior) and Cucurbit (my rogue), but I often dream of a gnome druid with a teddy bear form (SO KEWT) and a gnome hunter with a pet that's bigger than she is... Or a gnome paladin. The only thing stopping me from making all my current Alliance characters that CAN be gnomes into gnomes is the fact that I also kind of try to have some variety. Also, since my Alliance characters are on Sentinels (a roleplay server), I tend to give them more of a personality that would likely not quite fit with the gnome. Still, a girl can dream of what she'd do if there wasn't a ten character limit on the server. ;-)

Above you can see Temperence in all her protection warrior glory- she's wearing the full Replica Battlegear of Heroism, along with Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler and a random Angerfang Axe that I equipped her with to replace her heirloom sword once she hit level 80. Eventually I hope to equip her with the Gnomeregan Mindslicer (because it matches the best of all three Alliance-available vibro-swords), but because of MH/OH restrictions I will likely make due with the Peacekeeper Blade until Blizzard finds a suitable way to fix that restriction so as not to gimp tanks like me. I've not made a final decision on mace/axe variations for her tanking set, again partly due in part to MH/OH restrictions. For a mace I'll likely use Lucky Old Sun, but I would adore Misery's End (Heroic). I welcome your suggestions for axes- I'd like something gnomey, but I've yet to find very mechanical looking axes!

Here you can see Temperence in her fury set- I didn't feel the need to change out this armor- have I mentioned how much I LOVE it? Before I delve further into outfit details for her, I should really tell the story of how I ended up using this armor in the first place. I started a gnome warrior with plans of turning her fury. This was entirely due to the epic cuteness of a tiny little gnome wielding two huge weapons. I eventually decided that the thought of a tiny gnome girl tanking huge raid bosses was also appealing. Early in the Cataclysm expansion I had the good fortune of joining a high-level guild with my hunter, so I was able to purchase the heirloom helms. I put the Polished Helm of Valor on her little gnomish head and fell in love. Seriously. I just could not get over how amazing that helm- which I had hated up until that moment- looked on this little gnome.

Now, at this point, I could not even begin to imagine Transmogrification as being added to the game, but I enjoyed the helm nonetheless, and did not hide it as is my normal custom. When Transmogrification was announced, I was ecstatic- until I realized that this was a dungeon set I could no longer obtain! *sadface*

Then, along came the revamped Darkmoon Faire and the Replica Armor vendor... And I realized that the blue/gold Battlegear of Heroism was even cuter than the original Battlegear of Valor. I ground Darkmoon tokens with all my alts who were high enough to purchase the gear pieces (you must be level 60 to equip them, so you must also be level 60 to purchase them on Darkmoon Island, though they are BoE so you might get lucky and find them on the auction house or be able to buy them earlier from another player directly), and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now that I'm done with that aside, though, I need to gush about this axe. I've taken to browsing through weapons on the Auction House (thanks to the help of the wonderful MogIt addon), and I came across the Lucky Strike Axe. It was only a few gold, so I snatched it up and quickly decided that it matched (in sort of a weird way you have to see to believe). Here's a better shot of the axe displayed singly on her back (which is still clad in the heirloom tanking cloak, pay no attention to that):
Really, I love it. I haven't even considered what mace or sword to use for her fury set because I love this axe so much- I don't want to let it go! There is an axe of the same model with different coloring that I adore as well, but have only seen VERY rarely on the AH and never on a player: Ghostly Battle Axe. I will really have to do some weapons-only posts at some point because there are a lot of weapons that I just adore- my bank guild has several that I don't have uses for but just hang onto because they look so wonderful.

So, there you have it- Temperence, the gnome warrior. I'll be sure to update later once she hits 85 and gets the rest of her set straightened out, but I think she looks pretty darned good right now!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chasing down the last Piece...

Though I've been searching for various armor sets since the Transmogrification announcement was made, there are still pieces of armor that have eluded me on the auction house and as drops. Sometimes I do find the piece I want- for way more than I want to pay. Sometimes I see it drop in a random dungeon finder group, and watch as it gets disenchanted by someone else who won the greed roll (as you know, items now bind on pick-up if they are rolled "need" in LFG). If my time in Trade Chat has taught me anything, it is that I'm not the only one. My friends lists have at least 10 people at any given time who have asked me to keep an eye out for particular items, in exchange for them doing the same for me. So far I've only located items for one person- they were looking for the Outlander's Facewrap, and I sent it to them free of charge- I picked it up for under 5 gold (I've since sold 2 of those for 2.5k gold each).

The point I'm making, though, is that it can be an incredibly frustrating thing. For my paladin, Cornelladin, I had decided to build an outfit around the Barricade of Eternity, which I picked up last year some time when our guild retro-raided Eye of Eternity. Eventually I may end up using the Vanguard Plate, but right now I have her in the Reinforced Sapphirium Battlearmor. Now, because I don't raid current content much, and definitely not with my paladin, I couldn't get a shoulder token (i.e. I was too lazy to PuG for a raid) and I had to track down a shoulder slot item that matched (I used goggles for her head, as she is an engineer). Thankfully, Pauldrons of Edward the Odd look exactly the same as the tier shoulders, and are BoE, so I could get them from the auction house (or trade chat!).

It took me about a month to track down these shoulders, and during about 2/3 of that time there was a pair of the shoulders on the auction house for 28k gold- way more than I was willing to spend. I barked in trade chat, offering 5k gold and enduring numerous whispers from people telling me I should just run a new heroic and get a better set of shoulders. Eventually I found a pair for 1k on the AH and happily went on my way.

That's the success story. The truth is, I'm still trying to track down pieces of the most sought-after sets, and I don't see an end in sight. Slowly but surely, though, I am outfitting my characters in the way I've always wished.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Transmogrification and Me

As seems to happen lately, I did not get a timely start on this blog and so am kind of behind the times when it comes to up-to-the-minute news on Transmogrification, but you will all forgive me, right?

On the day that transmog came out, I did have most of my outfit collected, as you can see at the left. The chestpiece/robes are the Robes of Insight, a lvl 42 BoE that happens to be my favorite robe model EVER. I would have preferred something like Robes of the Guardian Saint, but since there are NO pants that match or don't show underneath, I decided to go with these because they match Ancestral Woollies in color, and therefore the tiny amount of cloth that does show looks like it is just part of the dress. Here are the rest of the items I'm sporting:

Head: Archmage Headpiece (I would love to have been able to use Forever-Lovely rose here, but alas, it isn't eligible for transmogrification)
Shoulder: Greenweave Mantle
Bracer: Agamaggan's Gift (any tiny bracer would work)
Gloves: Soulcloth Gloves
Belt: Ruthless Gladiator's Cord of Accuracy
Boots: Silksand Boots
Main Hand: Life and Death (prettiest sword in the game, IMO)
Off-hand: Penelope's Rose - Evidently this item is no longer available in game, which is a shame, but there are other flowers and "simple" off-hand frill to be had.

And there you have it, the PvE outfit for my main. Oddly, I've not come up with anything for her PvP getup because I'm having trouble getting attached to any of the other outfits- the problem I have with cloth is that I tend to get attached to specific robe models, and then find that there's not much to match them with. In my next post, we'll take a look at my Paladin, whose outfit was born of a desire to match her Shield and Mace.